What do you want? Think of one thing. Got it in your mind? Abracadabra. It's done. Whoomp, there it is! Somewhere in the universe, it already exists. See how clear it is? You don't have to descend any crystal elevators to get closer to it. You don't need to burn any karma to have it appear in front of you. You don't even need to feel worthy, necessarily- none of that wading and waiting. Just exercise this belief (and yes, it's magical thinking): Somewhere in the cosmos, in the grand bazaar of life, in your very own postal code, what you want is already in existence, waiting for you to pick it up or, better yet, to call and have it delivered.
The Fire Starter Sessions Danielle LaPorte pg117
When I told my husband that I blogged about birthday swag, he concurred with the idea and proclaimed "now that's useful!" Of course it was from a purely selfish perspective on both parts, mainly because he never knows what to get me, and selfish on my part hoping he will choose something from my list.
I really think the reason he never knows what to get me is because secretly I'm this wild woman on the inside who is always trying to show the strictest propriety (that's relative to myself) and so I think I have him fooled into thinking that what I'd really love is a pair of dog slippers, a can openers, tickets to Earth Wind and Fire (which we have done a couple times) dinner and a movie.
But what I really long for is a good old fashioned pair of tie dye jeans. And by the way I'm past doing it myself...True Religion has a stunning pair in size 29 that are perfect. I know... I wish it were more like size 26, oh well I'm pushing 50.
Stella Tie dye jeans in blue
I have found that Anthropologie jeans fit THE BEST! Kind of like Victoria Secret Bras fit THE BEST. So... either splurge or get a pair on sale. These above are Level 99 Lilly Straight Leg $98.00. Which for anthro is a great price especially since they are not on sale. Ahhhh... beautiful. Size 29 please....
I can tell this top from Anthropologie is going to be great on...accentuating the positive while hiding the bumpy negative...you know what I'm talking about girls.
I came across this motto from Anthropologie apparel designer Byron Lars...
“I know what makes a woman
feel good in clothes. And when
you feel good in your clothes, you
project your best self.”
Here is another super fun top...Carolina Poncho $98 at Anthropologie size M.
These look so fun! I think I'd wear them with the tie dye jeans!
Patola Slingbacks on sale 79.95...8.5 should do it!

I got this amazing sofa at Design Legacy and now I need some really great pillows. I've been in Love with Mongolian Lamb since I was in my early twenties and bought my first pillow eight years ago in Jackson Hole as a souvenir for my family. Talk about snuggle over kill...they all love it!
Anyway, the orange and yellow mongolian lamb pillows along with the sparkler pillows are from Anthropologie...the black and white mongolian lamb pillows are from West Elm they are over sized 26x26. WOW!
And here is my amazing couch from Design Legacy.
Any of these pillows from Urban Outfitters.
Turmeric tripod table from West Elm would be the perfect table with my Design Legacy couch... the scale, color and finish are perfect. On sale for $149 plus shipping.
Here are two chairs that I've been housing in my garage now for almost a year and I'm DYING to take them to the prison industries in Smyrna Delaware to get reupholstered. I'm thinking the deconstructed look that Restoration Hardware is showing but in indigo blue, with tuffting. about $375 each with fabric.
on sale for $1495
Probably would go with the 2nd one from the right or even the darkest indigo for the chairs...
Manzanita Bench Anthropology
Need we say more...Here is my wild card wish.
Lastly a darling mini cooper.
Need we say more...Here is my wild card wish.
Lastly a darling mini cooper.
Well according to Danielle Laporte these things aready exist...now let me have that delivered!
You surely have a taste for fine pieces! And with this post, your hubby will know what to get you for your birthday. I do hope that he can get you that cute Mini. If I have a Mini Copper, I would paint and design it like that and roam around the streets for hours so people can see it!