Friday, April 15, 2011

scrap skirt

This past Christmas my mom gave me an issue of "Belle Armoire" and I fell in LOVE with the dress on the front! So I right then I thought, "I am going to make that."

I started by going into the sewing room in our basement and pulling out any and every fabric that I thought would look fantastic in this skirt. Then I started cutting. I didn't measure, I thought it would look way cooler if all the pieces were different lengths, and I just cut, cut, cut. Then I took a big piece of fabric and I sewed the little strips to the fabric in rows. Next, I just finished it by cutting out a thick band of denim and sewing it to the top with a zipper. And there you have it. My very own "Stylish and Chic Scrap Skirt".

ALi =]

photos: homevestures.blogspot

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