If we think about our lives and kinda look back just a wee little bit..., we might notice things happen. We think about things that help us, we might realize there is someone bigger than us that has our backs..., or not, and 'just take the money and run!' Now we might be down right wicked and think there is no way that celestial guidance will come to me (those are my thoughts often). But then, the angelic side of me believes as long as we breathe the breath of life, there is always divine assistance waiting in the wings.
''You got to change your evil ways baby...''. If you think about it we can and have the ability to change from moment to moment. So one moment we can be engaged in rottenness and the next moment there we are... helping an old lady with her bags... or walking her home...

Here is a metal can I made this week with a folded vintage Womans Home Journal Page and my stab at graffiti art! I used all kinds of befunky filters and have some expanded ideas I'll share later...
Sometimes my wickedness gets in the way of believing in my work, or what I'm doing, or myself. So this thought came to me...it was like a whisper, soft, and gentle...I was working on a project that I have been thinking about for at least a year, and that is as far as it got, just thinking. So Saturday I began...and that is when the thought came to me. "Believe in your work...Believe in what you do...Believe in yourself...".

Just a couple days earlier another thought came to me "what would I give up to accomplish my dream?'' I looked at these two early 1900's chairs in my room that me and my family have cherished... and thought, 'would I give those up?' Yes of course! Sometimes, because of our divine nature, we are able to see things as they really are, and as they will be. Is there risk? Yes! Is there fear? Yes! Is there uncertainty? Yes! Is there doubt? Yes! Does that mean 'forget it', throw in the towel', 'it's going to be too hard'...? I believe that when we believe in our work, and we believe in what we are doing, and we believe in ourselves, and move in that direction, we experience a feeling, enthusiasm! Passion!, excitement!, belief...

Vintage paintings I'm using for a project.

Here is a Collection of Vintage brooches that are inspiring ideas...
Everything we do in this life involves people...like it or not. That is the phenomenon...we choose how we will be in and around them. We choose our work, we choose what we do, and that always involves people...

Part of my work is seeing these cute faces off to school.

and having lunch with my son in Philly. Happy Birthday Christian!
Whitney Houston sang it so beautifully in the animated film "The Prince of Egypt" just believe...
...for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay... Moroni 9:6
Believe in your work...Believe in what you do...Believe in yourself...
All photos in this post are originals and taken by me Vicki Stecher for homevestures.
you're amazing, I love your spirit and how you touch the world with such passion and exuberance.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being you!!