Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Words in Love Language

I am so dang fascinated by words today and how people use words in decor. So... today I want to give you an impulsive sample of some words and phrases that have recently crossed my path and tickled my funny bone. Weird, I know! and trust me this is just ssssccccrrrraping the top. I'm at Dawnelle's right now and we are fixin to make meatballs...which is not on my healthy eat list, but we thawed the meat for another gathering that bombed. Betcha your more interested in the meatballs now...? Too bad! These graphics were made on my Iphone! I know!? Crazy, Right? The app is called 'Phonto', maybe $1.99, seriously get it! So much fun to use!

The 'Valley Girl' approach to I LOVE YOU!

This is what a man says about a woman when she is 'CRAZY BEAUTIFUL' to him!

Need we say more...

This is what every couple should do EVERYDAY! Yeah, try it... one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, four one thousand, five one thousand...get my point? I learned this from John Lund a marriage counselor along with the 20 second hug and some other gems but this one stuck. I wonder why...

Imagine sealing all your letters, posts, and text messages with this one, or for that point your phone calls!

An old 70's term coined by the band 'Chic', YOWSAH says... YES, YES, YES, absolutely

Ok, have fun with this little Valentine printable download appendage!


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